So you want to learn how to make good money online and that has brought you here. But should you even be here? Who are we to show you how this is done.
Well, let’s include a fancy screenshot of how much money we made the past couple of months.

Pretty cool, right? The question is how do you do this and that’s what this post is going to show you.
If you want to make good money online then there are some basic things you have to follow. Those who follow them tend to find success and those who keep on looking for the secret to making $10,000 tomorrow tend to fail.
Here at Odd Noodle, we focus on a specific number: $300. Our goal is to show everyone how to have 3 Bens Days. Because Benjamin Franklin is on the $100 bill, you want to have every day be a day where you make at least $300.
If you can do that then you’ve created a pretty nice life for yourself. The question is can you do it?
The short answer is ‘yes’. The long answer is ‘not most people’. But don’t worry, we’re going to show you how to make it happen.

How to Make Good Money Online
Before we dive into the 5 steps to make money online we want to talk to you about the most important aspect of making money online no matter what route you decide to take: building an audience.
If you can build an audience online then you have an easy road to making money.
This is a basic concept to understand. If you have an audience that pays attention to you, you can make money. Remember that. It’s the core concept of any audience whether it’s online or offline. Without an audience (clients, customers, members), you have no business.
The reason is that there is a simple formula that every business and person must follow to make money. We call it The Pocket Business Formula:
Audience x Offer(s) = $$$$$$$
The problem is that many people just don’t know how to build an audience or don’t put any focus on building an audience. Instead, they concern themselves with blog themes, Twitter posts, and other small things that don’t move the needle.
One of the very first things that we teach our students is that you should create an offer (a simple digital product like an eBook) and then go for the audience. You don’t need to complicate things. A successful online business can be just that simple.
If you can get traffic to your digital product, then the whole world begins to open up for you.
It’s great that some bloggers will tell you that you don’t need much traffic to make money and they aren’t wrong, but if you can get a lot of traffic everything becomes much easier for you.
The key is that by having an offer, you now have a chance to make money with every single person that you interact with.

Make It Easy With a Good Niche
Now, let’s address something else which is going to be bad news for some of you.
If you want to make money online then we’re not going to tell you to follow your passion. Instead, we advise you to do stuff that has been proven to work.
There really is no reason to try a different niche for your first blog.
We’ve spoken with people that want to know how to make money blogging about the topics they are most passionate about and they assume that they will do well simply because they believe other people love the topics as much as they do.
What people love are things that make their lives easier and better. Why do you think how to make money blogs, personal finance blogs, and health blogs do so well?
Don’t hesitate to start a blog in a big and popular niche. The audience is already established in those areas so it’s pretty silly to avoid them.
With that being said let’s dive into the ways that we make money online.
The 4 Steps That We Follow to Make Money Online
You’re going to want to take notes on this one. The question you should ask isn’t how do you make money online but why do people spend money.
The answer is simple.
People buy improvement. They will not spend money if they do not think it will improve their lives. They want some type of desired outcome so they have no problem handing over money to the person who is going to provide them with that desired outcome.
So what you need to do is walk people through 4 steps. This is called The Pocket Business Framework.
- Get them to notice you
- Get them to pay attention to you
- Get them to trust you
- Convert that trust into money
We know this isn’t obvious how you do that and we will get to that in a second but it’s important you see that people only buy when they go through these 4 steps. There are no exceptions.
Some fly through the 4 steps while others take a very long time. But if you can walk people through these steps then you might end up with a week like this.

Yes, that’s over $100,000 in a single week. That doesn’t happen for us every week but the right type of planning allows this to be a possibility.
Alright, so far we’ve covered The Pocket Business Formula and The Pocket Business Framework. Those are the foundations for making money online and give us a path on how to do it.
But the instructions probably aren’t clear yet so let’s go through them, shall we?
Getting Noticed
The first step is getting noticed. This is different than getting attention.
Getting noticed isn’t that hard. Go into a busy store and scream your lungs out and you’ll see that people notice you.
But if you want to get noticed in a good way then you need to let people know what you can do for them. That’s what we all care about. We don’t need more interactions in our lives so if you can’t let us know how you can help us then we will move on.
You’re here because we can help you make good money online. That’s how we get noticed.
But again, that’s the easy part.
Keeping Their Attention
This is the challenge because there are so many other things fighting for our attention.
So how do you keep the attention of your audience? You have to show them that you can help them achieve their desired outcome. This post is a great example. We are walking you through the steps you need to cover to make good money online.
We’ve thrown in a couple of screenshots of the money that we make to keep your attention. You don’t need to trust us yet because there are more things that we need to do.
But as long as we can keep your attention then we have a shot of getting to the next step.
Building Trust
You can only keep attention for so long. At some point, people are going to think on whether they trust you or not. If they do then they will continue to listen and if they don’t then they’ll move on to the next person.
The key to building trust is by being relatable and show you can get to the desired outcome.
The income screenshots alone won’t do much if you only believe that we were born lucky or rich. But if we tell you a story on how it took us 90 days to get anyone to visit our site and how it took 6 months to make our first $1, then you might be more open to listening to us.
It’s also important that we show you we are trying to help you without asking for anything in return immediately.
How often do you see this happen online where someone will make a post teasing about how they accomplished something and when the people ask them how they tell the people to send them a DM.
What if you came to this blog post and we said that we’re glad you’re here but all of the secrets are hiding in a $97 workshop? It wouldn’t be great and it’s not that you shouldn’t have an offer.
We love offers.
But if you can show up consistently and let your audience that you’re there to help them, then building trust becomes a lot easier.
Convert Trust Into Money
This is where most people tend to start when they want to learn how to make good money online. They go how do I do it and then someone like us might list the ways you can make money online.
Here are the four most common ones that we are involved in:
- Ads
- Affiliate Marketing
- Digital Products
- Services
But there is no point in starting with these unless you understand everything that we’ve talked about before.
Because to sell each of these requires the same type of knowledge. Even ads!
1. Ads
This one is specific to blogging, but there are lots of ways to use ads or sponsored posts with all types of content creation. This is the second easiest way from a technical standpoint to make money online because you don’t have to do much to get them set up. If you use one of the ad networks that we mentioned above then they actually do all of the work for you!
With blogging, you do need a shit ton of traffic for this to be effective. By this, we mean at least 50,000 page views before you even want to consider putting ads up on your site.
We don’t use ads on all of our blogs but the few that we do, we use AdThrive or Mediavine and both have been wonderful.
Now we know the question you are asking is how much money do we make for the amount of traffic that we get? IWeget paid every time an ad is shown on our site but you get fractions of a penny for each view. For this reason, ad dollars are measured in CPM.
This means that for every 1,000 page views we make $X amount of money.
So with AdThrive/Mediavine, depending on the niche and the quality of ads, the CPM fluctuates between $5 – $30 per 1,000 page views.
If we do 100,000 page views in a month (the minimum you need to apply to AdThrive) then we will make anywhere between $500 and $2,000 for that month. Again, it’s dependent on the topics that you write about.
Not bad, but not great considering the other ways that you can make money.
However, ads are the most passive way to make money online. Your only focus is to get people to continue to come to your site which can be challenging in its own right.
As an example, in May, we did about $4,000 a month in ad revenue.

2. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money online from a technical standpoint because you don’t have to do anything but post a link on your site or social media channels.
That link points to a manufacturer of some product that will pay you every time someone purchases from them.
For example, if we run a car blog and sign up for an affiliate program with a car parts shop, we can link the different car parts that we like on our blog and when people click on the link and purchase from the car parts shop we get a cut.
The commission that you get is totally dependent on the affiliate program. There is no status quo. we’ve seen percentages range from 4% to 90%.
However, making money with affiliate marketing is a lot harder than people present it. You might think that all you need to do is put a link on your site and then watch the money flow but that isn’t the case.
You have to do a lot of upfront work to convince your audience that they want/need a particular product. If you can’t do that then your links will just sit there unclicked.

3. eBooks
We love writing eBooks because you can make them as simple or as complicated as you want. The easiest way to make an ebook is to simply write it in some type of word processing application (Word, Pages, or Google Docs) and export it as a PDF.
There you go. You now have an eBook that the world will enjoy.
eBooks are a great starter product for many bloggers (or anyone for that matter) because everyone has the tools to create them. Some people believe that your ebook has to be super long for it to be successful and we’ve seen 4-page ebooks do well and 200-page ebooks bomb.
It’s completely dependent on the subject matter and what problem you are trying to solve. If you don’t even want to set up your own website you can use a tool like ConvertKit to get the whole sales funnel set up.
What about selling? You’d be surprised that selling an ebook can easily be done with the right ebook sales funnel. And you keep most of the money!
4. Other Digital Products
We just got done talking about ebooks, but we love almost all types of digital products. Why? This is one of the most lucrative ways to make money online when you have an audience.
To make $1,000 with ads (on a good ad network) you need to do between 70,000 – 250,000 page views a month (remember it depends on the niche). That’s a lot of people!
To make $1,000 with affiliate marketing you might need to sell a couple dozen/hundred items.
With online courses, you can make $1,000 by selling just a couple (dependent on price).
For example, one of our Digital Products is $99. To make $1,000 a month we need to sell 10 a month. That doesn’t require us to get 100,000 people to the site. Hopefully, it only requires less than 100.
The Best Way to Make $300+ a Day Online Is With an Automated Sales Machine

Making good money online all means making money when you’re not online. You can do this with an Automated Sales Machine but how do you create one?
You’ve learned some of the foundation in this post but let us show you more in our free email course.
Sign up below to get started on building your own Automated Sales Machine so $300 days are your new normal.
5. Services
Offering some type of service is another great way to make money online. It could be coaching (1-on-1 or group) or some type of consulting.
People want help with things and they often rather have someone else do it for them. Don’t be surprised if there is a hidden service within you that you could easily offer people.
Sometimes we do specialized coaching where we help to grow someone’s online business, but this is rare because it means we are trading time for money. It can be a great way to make some upfront money but it can be very hard to scale.

More Ways to Make Money Online
These aren’t the only ways to make money online. There are a ton of other options:
- Podcasting
- Dropshipping
- E-commerce
- Freelance writing
Making good money online is not as difficult as it may seem. With a bit of creativity, research, and determination anyone can find a way to make money online.
Whether it’s through freelancing, selling items, or even blog writing, there are plenty of ways to make money online – you just have to find the right one that works for you. With a little bit of effort and the right attitude, you can make good money online and achieve your financial goals.
How We Help People Learn to Make Money Online
We here at Odd Noodle have been helping people make money online for over 7 years now and we are able to do so by following a simple process.
Before your eyes light up we will admit that it’s a simple process to follow, but the hard part is sticking with it. That’s where everyone who fails seems to fall short. There are no ways to get rich overnight.
It doesn’t happen. But there are amazing ways to build something that can help you quit your job in 3 months. The question simply becomes are you willing to put in the time and effort?