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Our Easy-to-Follow AI Pinterest Workflow

If you’re not too careful then Pinterest can be extremely time-consuming. That’s one of the reasons that we abandoned it years ago.

But now we are back on it thanks to AI. AI has sped up our Pinterest Workflow to a point where it doesn’t take up much of our time while still allowing us to get the most out of the platform.

Our Simple AI Pinterest Workflow

However, if you’ve never used Pinterest before you might be asking what’s the point of it? Well if your goal is to make money online then Pinterest should probably be in your day-to-day workflow.

Should You Use Pinterest?

The short answer is very simple. If you create content on your site then you should use Pinterest. Essentially, if you’ve been blogging then Pinterest has amazing benefits for you.

Before we go any further we aren’t not saying that Pinterest will bring you tons of traffic like the other Pinterest experts are still saying. In fact, Pinterest might only bring a trickle of traffic for most people.

And that’s okay.

Before we didn’t see the point of spending our time on it when it took too long to implement a winning strategy for very little payoff. But with the AI workflow that you see above there is a decent return on investment for anyone.

Why is that?

Our AI pinterest workflow that brings us traffic 24/7.

#1. Forever Traffic

Again, we aren’t saying that you’ll get tons of traffic. That is more dependent on your niche. But because Pinterest is a search engine, whatever you pin on the site is going to have staying power.

It’s not like other social networks where your content technically lasts a day and then disappears to the back of your profile.

With Pinterest, if you pinned something in 2016 it can still bring your traffic today. And that’s valuable.

If it only takes you 10 minutes to put some pins together and those pins can bring you new people every single month for the next couple of years then isn’t that worth it?

#2. Intent

Pinterest is one of the largest search engines in the world. That’s right. Why is that important?

It means that there are people who search on Pinterest who are looking for a solution to a problem. They are more likely to read your blog content than someone who randomly comes across it on social media.

This makes them easier to convert to your mailing list and then later purchase an offer.

#3. Branded Traffic

This one goes under the radar a ton, but it’s something that is hugely beneficial to SEO.

Branded traffic is essentially traffic that doesn’t come from the search engines. This is important because if you can generate a solid amount (there is no special number that we know of) of visitors from Pinterest, it will alert Google that maybe this content is worth paying attention to.

Mix that in with some quality on-page SEO and you have a chance of doing decently well with the search engines.

Make Use of the World’s 3rd Largest Search Engine

We didn’t stutter. Pinterest is the world’s 3rd largest search engine behind Google and YouTube. This surprises a lot of people but it’s also important to understand why this matters.

Pinterest is not a social media platform. It’s not a place where people go to communicate with others.

Pinterest is where people go to find solutions to problems.

The reason why people are able to build 6 – 8-figure businesses on the backs of Google and YouTube is because the people on those platforms need help and they are willing to pay for it.

This is no different with Pinterest. The problem with Pinterest was always how much time it takes to get things done. This is why so many bloggers use VAs to handle all of the pinning for them.

However, with the AI Pinterest Workflow above you might be able to find time to integrate Pinterest in your own day-to-day operations and if not you can still speed up the workflow of your assistant.

You want to build a $300/day business. Here's how...

In today's world, anyone can build a business that makes at least $300 a day. But you don't want to work 24/7 doing it.

So you need a system.

You need to know the whole system to make your business flourish.

This is why you build an Automated Sales Machine. Not only because you need a system that you can maximize, but also a system that allows you to walk away when you need it.

What would you do if you had a business that was making $300 a day every day?