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Wait Your Turn

Just wait your turn.

Every 9-5 I ever had said this in some form.

  • Have a great idea? Wait your turn.
  • Ready to lead a project? Wait your turn.
  • Did what was needed to earn that raise? Wait your turn.

Modern-day businesses are still based on the Factory. Put your head down, produce, and when it’s your turn, your turn will come up.

When is your turn? Nobody knows. They just say it to get you out of their hair.

The truth is your turn usually only comes up when you threaten to move to a different line. No, no, no! It’s your turn right now!

So they do something to keep you around. But you move quickly so sooner than they wanted, you’re ready to level up.

Wait your turn. Now get back in line so we can get more production out of you.

I didn’t leave the 9-5 world to do my own thing because I thought I was smarter than everyone else. I definitely knew I wasn’t as creative as others.

I did it because I hated waiting.

Standing around waiting for your turn made no sense to me. Was it my turn today or 10 years from now?

It was out of my control.

So I chose the less secure option. The one that many fear.

I created my own line where I’m the only one standing.

When I have an idea, I don’t wait. When I want to try something new, I don’t wait.

It’s always my turn and I can’t see how I’d have it any other way.

You want to build a $300/day business. Here's how...

In today's world, anyone can build a business that makes at least $300 a day. But you don't want to work 24/7 doing it.

So you need a system.

You need to know the whole system to make your business flourish.

This is why you build an Automated Sales Machine. Not only because you need a system that you can maximize, but also a system that allows you to walk away when you need it.

What would you do if you had a business that was making $300 a day every day?