True Fans Video Framework

A 4-Week Challenge that walks you through the process of creating videos people won’t scroll past.

The better you get at creating long-form video content the more money you will make.

It’s as simple as that. What isn’t simple is creating videos that create True Fans who turn into customers.

There is a misconception that people’s attention spans are getting lower, but that isn’t the case at all. The problem is that we are being shown so much mediocre content that we’ve trained ourselves to not waste time on something when we can scroll to the next thing.

So the answer isn’t to ignore longer videos. The answer is to create better ones.

But how do you do that? Video production and editing feels like it is a tremendous task. One that you might believe you aren’t cut out for.

And sure, there are some videos you might catch on YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok that go way over the top but that’s not what we are talking about here.

We are talking about simple things that you can do to enhance the quality of your videos to keep people staying around longer.

A 4-Week Challenge

Here’s the thing, we could very easily put all of this in a course and maybe one day we will. But we like the idea of a challenge for multiple reasons.

Because there are many different things to master in creating a perfect long-form video, it’s easier to learn them in chunks through a couple of exercises.

As you progress through the Challenge you’ll begin to stack the different skills that you acquire to eventually create a perfect long-form video from beginning to end.

Plus, you’ll get feedback with each video that you do.

The name of the game is repetition so you’ll create content for your social media accounts that implement what you just learned and watch how each video gets better as you move along.

The Action Begins January 23rd

The fun starts Tuesday, January 23rd, and doors are open January 17th – 19th. Spots are limited not because we think it’s cool to limit spots, but because we are fully interactive during these challenges.

You’ll get your questions answered the same day as well as get feedback for each video that you submit.

It doesn’t matter if it’s TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube. The principles you’ll learn will apply to all of them.

Stop the Scroll

You can deliver the best message possible, but if it isn’t wrapped in a nice package of effects and editing then it might not matter.

You don’t get to sit in front of a camera and talk your head off. You need to add things to your videos that cause people to pay even closer attention to what is happening on screen.

And you already know how all of the algorithms work. The longer people stay on your videos, the more people the algorithm shares the video with.

The Common Questions

What kind of camera will I need? Just the one on your phone. If you want to go crazy and use a DSLR or mirrorless camera (if you have no idea what those are don’t worry about it) then by all means go for it.

But everything that you learn can be done with your camera.

Will we be learning any software? The main editing software that we will use is CapCut because it’s available across all major platforms and more importantly, works on your phone.

Will I go viral? Maybe. Maybe not. We have no idea. We don’t control the algorithm. The purpose of this framework is to help you pull in the True Fans who will become customers. We aren’t sure what the other 999,223 people who watch your videos will do.