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[ON #6] The Triple Sequence

This is an implementation email meaning it’s one you’ll want to save because at some point you’re going to run into this problem.

First, let me break down the scenario for you.

My friend has the book funnel that I’ve talked about in the past. If you’re new here the book funnel is pretty simple:

  1. Buy a cheap book on Etsy
  2. Read the book and see there is a free workbook that you can get along with it
  3. Sign up to get the free workbook
  4. Get sent a learning sequence + sales sequence

The Sales Sequence sends people to her $200 AI course.

But now she also has two other ways to enter her mailing list:

  1. A freebie
  2. A $39 workshop

We want both of these to also lead to the $200 AI course, but do we send people the exact same sales sequence as they’d get when they sign up for the workbook?

Probably not, because in a perfect world, they get the freebie, the book, and the workshop at some point. This would mean they’d get the exact same sales sequence three times which is pointless.

And it looks crappy. So what do we do?

We create four different automation which might seem like a lot, but it will make sense. The first three are the welcome + learning sequences you get when you sign up for one of the three things above.

  1. Freebie learning sequence
  2. Workbook learning sequence
  3. Workshop learning sequence

All three of those are unique learning sequences that apply to whatever the Customer signed up for. Once they are done with one of those sequences then they are put into the sales automation (that’s what it’s called in ConvertKit).

The sales automation doesn’t care how they go there, it only cares about what they’ve gone through. For this, we create three different sales sequences.

  1. Learning Sequence + Sales Sequence
  2. Story Sequence + Sales Sequence
  3. Opportunities Sequence + Sales Sequence

When they enter the Sales Automation, it first checks to see if they’ve done the Learning Sequence and if they have then it checks if they’ve done the Story Sequence. If they haven’t done the Learning Sequence then they get sent that one. 

If they don’t buy the course, then they exit the automation. They only get put back into the automation if they get one of the other two things.

So if someone ends up getting all three things (freebie, workbook, and workshop) and they don’t buy the course, they’ll go through three unique sales sequences.

What happens if she adds another way to enter the mailing list?

Attach a 4th sequence to the automation.

This is an evergreen offer so anyone can go on the site, see it, and purchase it. But having multiple sales sequences helps to provide further education and motivation.

But things don’t have to stop there.

Let’s say we put a fourth sequence on there. That sequence can simply let the person know that they’ve been pitched the course three previous times and so you’re wondering what is holding them back from purchasing it.

Because let’s be honest. After three separate pitches, you’d assume that if it’s the right person they would buy it by now. But maybe there is something (besides money) that you haven’t accounted for so having a conversation with them might bring something new to light.

Now, it’s important to keep in mind that my friend can pitch this course at other times as well. She can do it in TikToks, blog posts, emails, and other places. These sales sequences serve as the automated salesperson when a Customer triggers an action.

This means my friend can continue to address different segments of her audience without complicating her funnel. Maybe she wants to promote a new freebie to her blog audience. In that case, all she has to do is get the welcome sequence for it set up and then attach it to the sales automation that we’ve created.

And that leaves her with a nice sales funnel for her evergreen offers that can run forever or until she decides to change things out.

You want to build a $300/day business. Here's how...

In today's world, anyone can build a business that makes at least $300 a day. But you don't want to work 24/7 doing it.

So you need a system.

You need to know the whole system to make your business flourish.

This is why you build an Automated Sales Machine. Not only because you need a system that you can maximize, but also a system that allows you to walk away when you need it.

What would you do if you had a business that was making $300 a day every day?