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Make Extra Money: 7 Unbeatable Ways to Make an Extra $1,000 a Month

What would you do with another $1000 a month?

I want you to sit and consider that question for a minute before you keep reading. Because you’ll be much more likely to implement one of these ideas for how to make extra money if you can picture in your mind the change it will mean for you.

So whether it’s a down payment for a house, a monthly weekend trip or just being able to go out for dinner a couple of nights a week, have that image in your head of what making extra money will do for you.

Because the hardest part about all of the side hustles I’m about to show is showing up and doing them consistently.

Other than that, pretty much anyone can do at least one of these ways to make extra money.

Ok? Let’s go.

A person in a wild costume is learning to make extra money online.

7 Simple Ways to Make Extra Money ($1,000+!) Each Month at Home

The Internet has opened so many different opportunities to make money.

This makes it sound like a scam but it really isn’t.

Most people don’t make extra money through the Internet because they simply aren’t aware of the options. If they knew then they would be all over this stuff!

The goal of this post is to find ways to help you make extra money without any training, new education or spending a ton of money to get started.

Do You Follow Your Passion?


It depends. If your passion is Kitten Mittens it might be hard to find enough people who are also passionate about your kitten mittens to earn extra money every month.

Sure you could point out a couple of success stories where someone followed their passion and made it big but if that hasn’t happened to you yet then you need to switch gears in the short term.

Sometimes we hold ourselves back waiting around for our chance to follow a passion.

Instead, keeping doing your Kitten Mittens, but spend time figuring out how to make extra money through other means then that would make it easier to pursue any passion you want.

You can either make extra money now or spend time trying to find a way to make extra money with your kitten mittens.

The choice is yours.

1. Create a Digital Product Like an eBook or Printables

At Odd Noodle, this is what we teach. Create an information based digital product like an ebook and sell it to your audience.

It’s one of the most passive “passive income” ideas you can do. Once you’ve created the book (or printables, or journal or workshop…) you can sell it over and over again which means your job becomes making sure you are letting people know that you have something available that is going to help them improve their life in some way.

My favorite example of making money with a printable eBook is from Rachel at This Crafty Home.

She’s a super busy mom and to make her life easier, she started doing freezer meal prep once a month. She’d spend 4 hours on a Sunday whipping together 30 dinners and then she’d have dinner done for a month. Can you imagine how much time that saves her every day?

She decided to put everything she knows about freezer meal planning into an eBook to sell and she makes lots of extra money from them every month.

But that’s just one example. If you have a process or skill that saves people time, makes them more money or helps them avoid effort, you might have a great idea for an eBook!

We have our own digital product, The 12 Hour eBook that teaches how to make an eBook that people will actually want to buy!

2. Freelance

If you don’t mind a less passive way of making money, you might want to consider freelancing.

Most of the time when people think about freelancing they think of writing. And that is one really good option for making money as freelancer.

You can find freelance gigs for writing blog posts, sales copy or even entire eBooks.

But freelancing isn’t just about writing. If you check out Fiverr, you can find a lot of other services you can offer as a freelancer. Here are some other options:

  1. Graphic Design – Create listing images for Amazon sellers or other e-commerce clients
  2. SEO Specialist – Update blog posts or product listings for better search engine results
  3. Logo Design – Create a logo that helps a brand stand out
  4. Music Production – Create unique music for brands
  5. Game Coaching – Help people get better at their favorite video game (this one has over 1k sales!)

Take a browse through Fiverr if you need some inspiration for services you might not have thought of!

4. Create Content for Brands

In the how to make money world, this is called User Generated Content, or UGC.

Basically, brands will pay YOU money to create content (usually video) where you talk about and show off their products.

You don’t need a massive following on social media. You can create videos in as little as an hour or two and the companies will pay you money AND you usually get some free products, too.

The best part is you can pretty much do the whole thing from your phone.

This is Stephen from Odd Noodle’s specialty. He’s got a bootcamp that will get you started.

5. Get Paid to Test Websites

You already know that almost everything is done online now.

That means that companies can provide online experiences that do not produce results.

To ensure that their design is easy enough for their audience to use they perform user testing.

Just like with the online surveys, you can’t just wait outside a store and ask people to run through a site so they hire other companies to collect people and run the tests for them.

If you want to find out which sites are the best ones to use then check out these 9 sites that will pay you to test websites.

6. Use Services Like Rakuten for Your Online Shopping

This one actually requires you to spend money to make money.

If you really want to be technical, and you look like the type, you are actually getting money back.

This is not a way for you to make money but a way for you to cut down on the costs of things you were going to buy anyways.

All you have to do is sign up for these services and they will provide you with rebates and cash back on certain things that you buy.

You can sign up for Rakuten here.

7. Become an Online Transcriptionist

Did you know you can earn up to $24/hr by transcribing audio to text?


This requires you to be a decent typist if you want to make money but if you can handle your way around a keyboard then this is something to look into.

It’s not too often you can make $0.40/minute just by sitting down at a computer and typing away.

Plenty More Ways

There are way more ways to make an extra $1,000 a month.

This post was simply meant to show you some of the easiest and most popular ways that don’t require much knowledge to get started.

Making extra money at home with the Internet isn’t a silly pipe dream. People pay others to do specific tasks. Sure the people paying you make much more from you doing the tasks but that’s how work will always be.

You exchange your time for money.

Eventually, at some point, you will want to make your own money for your own time.

Besides creating your own eBook, every single way listed above puts someone else in control of the money.

You want to build a $300/day business. Here's how...

In today's world, anyone can build a business that makes at least $300 a day. But you don't want to work 24/7 doing it.

So you need a system.

You need to know the whole system to make your business flourish.

This is why you build an Automated Sales Machine. Not only because you need a system that you can maximize, but also a system that allows you to walk away when you need it.

What would you do if you had a business that was making $300 a day every day?