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Top Digital Products to Sell Online for Creators and Solopreneurs

If you’re going to put in the effort to build passive income with some type of online business, then you should consider creating a digital product.

But not all digital products are created equal. At Odd Noodle we want you to start with the best digital products to sell online so that you aren’t wasting your time or energy on things people just won’t buy.

Selling digital products online is basically just packaging your knowledge, creativity, and talents into downloadable files or online resources that can be purchased and accessed by customers.

These products can take various forms: ebooks, online courses, stock photos, templates, music, software, and more.

The beauty of digital products lies in their intangible nature, allowing for easy distribution and instant delivery to customers around the world.

a woman in a vibrant outfit sits at her computer in her home office wondering about the best digital products to sell online.

In the following sections of this article, we will explore the top digital products to sell online, the factors to consider when choosing the right product for your niche, and the steps involved in creating and selling your digital products. We will also delve into success stories of individuals who have found great success in the world of digital product entrepreneurship. So, get ready to embark on this exciting journey and unlock the potential of selling digital products online.

Benefits of Selling Digital Products

Selling digital products is a smart choice for creators and solopreneurs looking to monetize their skills with minimal costs and maximum reach. Let’s explore the key benefits of this lucrative business model.

  • Low Overhead Costs
    • No need for physical inventory or storefronts
    • Minimal expenses: just a computer and internet connection
  • Passive Income Potential
    • Make money while you sleep, relax, or even take a vacation
    • Your digital products keep earning even when you’re not working
  • Wide Reach and Scalability
    • Tap into a global audience without leaving your home
    • Creating and Selling Digital Products

Top Digital Products to Sell Online

Alright, let’s dive into the best digital products to sell online.

But before we get to the list, here’s the deal:

The only thing that makes a digital product one of the “best digital products to sell online” is that it helps someone improve their life in a specific way.

When we get to the examples, we’ll break this down further. For now, just know that the formats we’re about to discuss are just that—formats for packaging solutions to problems.

The format itself doesn’t make a product “the best”, but finding the right format for your digital product is crucial. So, let’s explore these formats.

Type Description
Ebooks and Guides Ebooks and guides have become super popular digital products lately. Whether you’re a writer, a business pro, or an expert in a niche field, creating a killer ebook or guide can be a goldmine. These digital books can cover anything from self-help to niche hobbies. By sharing your expertise in a well-crafted ebook or guide, you provide value to your audience and create a steady stream of passive income.
Online Courses and Workshops Online learning is booming right now. Creating and selling online courses and workshops can be a hugely profitable gig for creators and solopreneurs. Whether you’re an industry pro or have a specific skill, developing engaging online courses lets you share your knowledge with a global audience. From photography and web development to marketing and personal finance, the options are endless. By offering valuable educational content in a structured way, you can empower others and generate a steady income.
Memberships & Communities Offering exclusive memberships and access to online communities can be a goldmine. These memberships often come with premium content, resources, and networking opportunities that aren’t available to everyone. By creating a sense of belonging and providing ongoing value, you can build a loyal customer base that pays for continuous access and engagement. This model not only brings in recurring revenue but also strengthens your relationships with customers, boosting brand loyalty.
Templates and Themes Website templates and themes are hot commodities, especially with the rise of content management systems like WordPress. If you’re good at web design and development, creating and selling templates and themes can be a moneymaker. Whether it’s a sleek website template or a customizable WordPress theme, there’s a market for all styles and functionalities. By offering ready-made solutions, you help individuals and businesses save time while monetizing your design skills.
Software and Apps In our tech-driven world, software and apps are essential. If you have programming skills or innovative ideas for software solutions, creating and selling software products or mobile apps can be super profitable. From productivity tools and project management software to gaming apps and niche industry solutions, the sky’s the limit. By solving specific problems or offering unique features, you can attract a dedicated customer base and make serious money.

Choosing the Right Digital Product

Identifying Your Skills and Expertise

  • Reflect on your skills and passions to create products you’re enthusiastic about.
  • Leverage existing skills to create high-quality digital products that resonate with your audience.
  • Example: Writers can create ebooks and guides; photographers can sell stock photos and graphics.

Researching Market Demand

  • Ensure there’s a viable market for your digital product by conducting thorough research.
  • Analyze trends and identify market gaps.
  • Explore online platforms and marketplaces to find best-selling products and high-demand niches.
  • Validate your product ideas to ensure an audience is willing to pay.

Considering Your Target Audience

  • Define your ideal customer persona: demographics, interests, pain points, and goals.
  • Tailor your product to meet their needs and preferences.
  • Example: Create products for writers to improve their craft, or for artists focusing on techniques and marketing strategies.
  • Address unique challenges and provide value to increase customer attraction and retention.

If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out our article on digital product ideas. It provides a comprehensive list of ideas across various niches and industries, giving you plenty of options to explore.

Creating and Selling Digital Products

Once you have identified the type of digital product you want to create and sell, the next step is to focus on the process of actually creating and selling it. Here are some key aspects to consider for success:

Creating High-Quality Content

  • Content quality can make or break your digital product.
  • Invest time and effort into creating valuable, engaging, and well-crafted content.
  • Conduct thorough research, organize information effectively, and present it clearly.
  • Incorporate multimedia elements (images, videos, audio) to enhance user experience.

Pricing Strategies

  • Finding the right pricing strategy is crucial for profitability and customer attraction.
  • Consider the value you offer, market demand, and competition.
  • Research prices of similar products for benchmarks.
  • Consider the perceived value of your product; unique features or solutions can justify higher prices.
  • Offer different pricing tiers or bundles (basic package, premium package, subscription model) to cater to a wider range of customers.

Setting Up a Sales Platform

  • Choose a sales platform to showcase and sell your product (e.g., Shopify, Gumroad, Teachable).
  • Consider factors like ease of use, customization options, payment processing capabilities, and customer support.
  • Ensure secure delivery of your digital product to customers through automated email delivery or a secure download page.

Marketing and Promotion

  • Use various channels (social media, email marketing, content marketing, paid ads) to promote your product.
  • Leverage your network and collaborate with influencers or affiliates to extend your reach.
  • Create engaging content (blog posts, videos, testimonials) that highlights the benefits and features of your product.
  • Continuously monitor and analyze your marketing efforts to see what’s working and make improvements as needed.

By focusing on these key aspects, you can ensure the successful creation and selling of your digital products.

More Digital Product Articles:

Success Stories

Case Studies of Successful Digital Product Sellers

In this section, we’ll dive into some inspiring success stories of people who’ve made it big in the world of selling digital products online. These folks have harnessed their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit to build thriving businesses, offering valuable products that cater to their audience’s needs.

1. Rachel’s Multi-6 figure eBook Business

Rachel from This Crafty Home is a mom and a SUPER successful online business owner.

She started out by building an audience of moms just like her with her blog.

Rachel knew that her audience was a lot like her. Busy. Tired. Looking for ways to spend money.

One thing that Rachel did to help her have more time and energy (and money!) for her kids was freezer meal planning. She’d spend a few hours on a Sunday putting together freezer meals for a month’s worth of dinners.

After some trial and error with different types of digital products to offer her audience, the light bulb went off for Rachel and she realized, “WAIT! These freezer meals save me time and money every month. My audience will love them!”

And she was right. She documented her process for freezer meal prep and recipes and she has built an amazing business.

2. Sarah and Her Cricut Membership Business

Sarah started her blog Craft with Sarah with the hope that she could make money from the hobby she is absolutely obsessed with, Cricut crafting.

She built an amazing audience of Cricut lovers with her blog and Youtube channel.

It was an obvious choice to start selling designs that her design files that she was creating for the Cricut. So she did and they sold like hotcakes!

But, Sarah took things a step further and decided to start a Cricut Craft Membership for her Cricut Loving audience. When you join the membership you get access to TONS of designs and live and pre-recorded training on how to use your Cricut.

People love it. She’s got over 3,000 members in her private Facebook group that comes with the membership.

The membership is a one time fee of $147. I’ll let you do the math on that 🙂

3. Melissa’s and Her Fitness Community Business


Before you skip this section because you’re thinking, “Oh I don’t know how to build a community, this one isn’t for me…”, just hold on a second, ok?

Melissa started out with a blog, just like Rachel and Sarah. But, blogging was never really her thing.

She built her massive audience instead on TikTok and YouTube. She knew right away that she wanted to create a digital product that helped her audience of 40+ women get in the best shape of their lives.

First she created what were essentially eBooks. They were downloadable pdfs with nutrition guides and fitness guides.

People loved them. She then created coaching programs. People loved those, too.

All of the experience she gained from creating those guides and coaching the women in her audience went directly into the communities she has built for women over 40 who want to get in shape.

There are three tiers of communities that make these resources accessible to many people.

Melissa is an amazing example of what you can do when you start with what you can and then keep growing and expanding.

These success stories highlight the immense potential of selling digital products online. These entrepreneurs have not only achieved financial success but have also made a positive impact in their respective industries.

If you’re looking for more inspiration and ideas, check out our article on digital product ideas. And if you’re interested in learning more about the process of creating digital products, be sure to read our comprehensive guide on digital product creation.

Which Digital Products Will You Sell Online?

For more inspiration, check out our article on digital product ideas and learn more about digital product creation. If you’re interested in selling digital products on Shopify, we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive guide on selling digital products on Shopify.

If your digital products aren't making you at least $300 a day then there is room for improvement...

In today's world, it's not enough to simply know how to create a digital product.

You need to know the whole system to make your business flourish.

This is why you build an Automated Sales Machine. Sounds fancy, right?

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