Sales Sequence #1 – Writing Course

You’re receiving this email because you want to be a better communicator. Actually, if we’re being honest that’s not completely true.

You’re receiving this email because you want to make more money and becoming a better communicator is your path to doing that.

But to understand the power of this we need to look at an example. I’m sending you this email because I’m an affiliate for [the writing course].

That means I get a % of the money if you buy it. I’m probably not supposed to tell you that, but let’s not pretend that we both don’t know it.

Others are affiliates as well. In fact, you might be receiving their emails right next to mine.

And that’s a good exercise why? Because we are all working around the same idea, [the writing course].

But we are all communicating it differently. Whoever does a better job of communicating the idea to their audience wins.

And unfortunately for the others, I’m pretty good at this. I usually perform better than people with bigger lists. I make more money and I convert better. Why?


Now, don’t get me wrong. The others are amazing and they are solid at what they do. I’m envious of them on a number of levels.

But when it comes to communicating ideas, this is just my thing. So why haven’t I put out a writing course of my own? Good question.

And the answer is pretty simple. My mind is a wonderful but confusing place. You see, I can sit down and the words just pour out naturally.

I’m sure there is a process that my subconscious goes through to choose the words, but I couldn’t tell you what that is.

Or at least I couldn’t tell you before. But after going through [the writing course] I understand how my mind works with writing because it’s the exact process shown in the course.

This is kind of depressing because I really thought I was unique. I figured (once again) that I was the smartest person in the room and my writing brain was different from others.

But that isn’t true. It follows a specific process that lets me sing on a page.

And thanks to [the writing course] I know what that process is.

That’s a good thing for you because it means that if you can be consistent with your practice of this process, you can write at my level.

That might sound arrogant but when you know you’re good, you know it. And I want you to know when your writing is good.

Because it’s no fun writing a sales page without knowing if it will work or not. You should be able to write an email and know if it’s going to be a home run before you hit send.

You should know if it’s going to have the impact that you want it to have. It shouldn’t be guesswork.

I do believe you can get on that level if you purchase [the writing course].

It closes in 3 days so you have to get it before then if you want access. You know I’m not a fan of these kinds of deadlines, but there is a good reason for it.

There are time-sensitive bonuses that are included that really make sense as being time-sensitive.

But I’m going to throw my own bonus in there. If you purchase [the writing course] and send me your receipt, I’ll include you in my live walkthrough sessions of the course material.

Consider it a study group.

Check it out.

PS: Tomorrow, I’m going to tell you about how I got my first girlfriend by stealing the writing of someone else.