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1,000 True Fans

In 2008, Kevin Kelly wrote an essay that changed the direction of my life. It was titled, 1,000 True Fans, and it was an absolutely mind-blowing concept. You see, before his essay I believed that you needed to get in front of millions of people to make any type of decent money online. After the …

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How to Use TikTok

TikTok feels like one of the social media platforms that you should be on. But how does it work? Well, here is how to use TikTok the right way.

The Attention Economy

What is the Attention Economy and why does it matter for Creators? If you can understand the different types of attention then you have a chance of winning.

The OPQ Content Framework

You can waste your time creating content that doesn’t do anything or you can spend time creating content that has a job. This is what the OPQ Framework helps you with.