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2 Super Simple Social Selling Examples to Skyrocket Your Digital Product Sales

Okay, so you’ve got this amazing digital product – maybe it’s an ebook, a workshop, a course, a planner, or even a challenge. You know it’s gonna change lives, but you’re kind of stuck on how to promote it.

Enter social selling.

It’s not as cringy as it sounds, I promise.

In this post, I’ve got 2 social selling examples that you can use to promote your digital products like a pro.

Ready? Let’s go!

Why Social Selling Works for Digital Product Promotion

When you start to understand why it’s so important to be on social media if you’re selling digital products, I think you’ll start to see why it isn’t cringe at all.

First of all, pretty much the whole world’s on social media: Billions of users, that’s right – BILLIONS.

That means your potential customers are just waiting for you to find them.

And to do that, you just have to let them know you can help them. With even just one small thing.

Plus, when you’re creating digital products, trust and credibility are the key to making sales. And social media is a great way to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Share valuable content, engage with your peeps, and they’ll start trusting you.

And when they trust you, they’re more likely to buy from your social channels.

And don’t forget, social selling is a budget-friendly eBook marketing strategy. It’s even free, in fact! If you are just getting started with a digital product business, you do not want to be spending a lot of money on ads.

Even if you HAVE a lot of money to spend on ads, you still don’t want to start with ads until you’ve made some (free) organic sales and social media is a great place to do that.

But the best part about social selling is with the way algorithms work today, you can get your content in front of the right audience, quickly.

We’ll talk more about what kind of content you should create to maximize your efforts in a minute.

Picking Your Social Selling Channels (The No Sweat Way)

Abstract image of a woman and man depicting social selling examples.

Choosing the right social selling platform doesn’t have to be a headache.

Keep these things in mind:

  • Your target audience
  • Your content format
  • Your resources.

Ask yourself, Who’s your ideal customer? Where do they hang out online?

Focus on those platforms for your social selling efforts.

The best approach when you’re just getting started is to choose one platform that you can create content for and repurpose that content to other platforms.

For example, I make TikTok videos for my short form content on social media. I repurpose those to YouTube as shorts and Instagram as Reels. So one piece of content is doing a 3x the work.

(*I use to do this and I love and recommend it. That is my affiliate link and if you use it and end up signing up for Repurpose, I will receive a commission).

The 2 Social Selling Examples That You Can Copy

You might be avoiding social selling because you have no idea what kind of content to create. Let me help you with that.

There are two types of content you want to be creating: “Outcome” and “Roadblock.”

Let’s dive into those for successful social selling.

Outcome Content

Basically, Outcome content says, “Hey, I help people like this get better at this!”

Here’s an example:


Grab my free freezer meal prep cheat sheet in my profile to learn more aboit freezer meal prep! Its seriously the best thing i ever did for my mental health. Dinner is now so easy and i love that we have so many different options! #freezermeals #freezerstash #freezermealprep #tiredasamother #busymom #easydinnerideas #mealplan #momlifebelike #kitchenhacks

♬ The Great Gig in the Sky – Pink Floyd

That’s my friend Rachel. She created a freezer meal plan guide that helps you save time and money at dinner time. She sells a LOT of them.

This video is a great example of an Outcome video. It’s telling her audience the specific problem she can help with. Basically, the message here is, “If you’re like me, I can help you spend less time and stress on dinner each night”. That’s it.

That’s all that outcome content is. “If you’re a person with this problem, I can help you solve it”.

Not that bad, right?

Content like this can get really big views (but please have appropriate expectations. This video has 2 Million views, that is not the norm and it’s 100% ok if you don’t get anywhere near that. The idea is to get in front of the right people. That doesn’t have to be 2 million people, ok?) and usually gets you a bunch of followers.

Outcome content is like a fun billboard that is telling people who you help and what you help them with. It captures their attention and makes them curious to know more from you.

Roadblock Content

Roadblock content tackles the problems your audience faces, head on.

Give them tips, tricks, and hacks to overcome those challenges.

Here’s an example:

That’s my other friend, @mountainwomanproducts and she helps people learn how to make beautiful stained glass.

In this video, she’s sharing a very specific tip. She’s solving a small problem for her audience.

This type of content takes the attention you’re getting and starts to build some trust with your audience. They get to see how you would solve their problems. They get to see you as their guide.

This is the type of content that will get people to go check out what other help you might have for them. This is the content that you can expect people to go to your profile from, watch more videos and click your link.

Here are some other examples of “Roadblock” style content you can use:

  • Create step-by-step how-to videos or tutorials
  • Bust myths and clear up confusion with FAQs
  • Curate lists of helpful tips, tools, and resources
  • Hold live Q&A sessions to answer questions and offer advice.

A few more things to keep in mind for social selling success (You Got This!)

Create visually captures attention.

Eye-catching visuals are essential in social selling because visuals have a powerful impact on capturing the interest of potential customers. They can make your content more shareable, memorable, and engaging, which ultimately boosts your online presence and helps your digital product stand out from the competition.

Don’t forget your hashtags.

Utilizing popular and relevant hashtags is crucial for boosting your social selling visibility because it helps your content reach a broader audience who may be interested in your digital product.

Hashtags can also increase engagement, drive more traffic to your sales page, and create opportunities for networking with others in your niche.

Engage with your people!

Chatting with your audience, building connections, and creating a community is vital because it fosters trust and loyalty.

Engaging with your audience shows that you care about their needs and are genuinely interested in helping them succeed, which can lead to a stronger customer base and increased sales.

Consistency is key.

Planning and scheduling posts is essential for maintaining consistency in your social selling strategy, which ultimately leads to better results.

Automating your posts saves time, ensures you never miss a posting opportunity, and allows you to focus on other aspects of your business, like creating new digital products or refining your marketing strategies.

Know what is working and what is not!

Tracking your social selling performance, learning from your successes and failures, and tweaking your strategy are so important to continuous improvement.

Analyzing your performance helps you identify areas for growth, make decisions about what content to keep making and what to skip, and optimize your social selling efforts for maximum impact and sales.

Social Selling is Not Cringey

You’ve seen through the social selling examples that promoting your digital product on social media doesn’t have to be a big deal.

Master the 2 essential social selling examples, – Outcome and Roadblock – to engage with your peeps, showcase your product’s value, and drive sales.

Stay consistent, learn from your results, and adjust your social selling strategy as needed.

With these tips in hand, you’ll be well on your way to mastering social selling and skyrocketing your digital product sales.

Go get ’em!

You want to build a $300/day business. Here's how...

In today's world, anyone can build a business that makes at least $300 a day. But you don't want to work 24/7 doing it.

So you need a system.

You need to know the whole system to make your business flourish.

This is why you build an Automated Sales Machine. Not only because you need a system that you can maximize, but also a system that allows you to walk away when you need it.

What would you do if you had a business that was making $300 a day every day?