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The Freezer Meal Guide Case Study

If you’ve ever doubted that people can make money from an ebook, then this is the case study for you.

This is the Freezer Meal Planning Guide Case Study

The Details

Who does Rachel from This Crafty Home Help?

She helps busy moms who hate cooking dinner.

What does She Sells Seashells offer?

She created freezer meal planning guides so that they don’t have to spend time and energy cooking dinner.

The Tools

Content Creation

  • Canva – To create instagram posts
  • WordPress – To write blog posts

Outreach Platforms

  • Instagram – Video and images
  • YouTube – Video
  • Blog – Written
  • TikTok

Marketing & Sales

  • Leadpages – To create opt in pages to collect email addresses and sales pages for the guides.


  • Leadpages (?)

Product Creation

  • Canva – To create workbooks

Content Examples


Why It Works

  • Because it’s awesome



Why It Works

  • Because it’s awesome

Blog Post


Why It Works

  • Because it’s awesome

The Funnel

The Opt In

Freezer Meal Cheat Sheet

This is …

The Tripwire

Freezer Meal Planning Guide

This is why this works…